Select Current Investments

E-Commerce & Marketplace Technology

Enterprise Technology

Healthcare & Life Science

Green Technology

Education & Marketing Technology

Select Previous Investments

7AC - acquired by Emerson

3Play Media - acquired by Riverside Partners

Boston Heart Diagnostics - acquired by Eurofins Scientific

Building Engines - acquired by Wavecrest Growth Prtnrs

Cabbige - acquired by FreightFarms

Cambridge Blockchain - acquired by Blockchains, Inc.

Catalyst Oncology - acquired by DiagnoCure

Cimcon - acquired by Quantela

Constant Therapy - acquired by The Learning Corp

Copiun - acquired by Good Technology

EnergySage - acquired by Schneider Electric

Gravyty - acquired by K1 Capital

Hadapt - acquired by Teradata

ID8 Mobile - acquired by AAC Technologies

InBoxer - acquired by SafeCore

Incentive Targeting - acquired by Google

InCrowd - acquired by Saroras Private Capital

JamHub - spun off to new investors

Listenwise - acquired by BoClips

Localytics - acquired by Upland Software

Medumo - acquired by Philips

Mobius Imaging - acquired by Stryker

NuLabel - acquired by ALTANA

Parkloco - acquired by Volley Automation

Playrific - acquired by 18Moons

Powerhouse Dynamics - acquired by Middleby Corp.

Rosie - acquired by Instacart

Siamab - acquired by strategic buyer

Tally Street - acquired by Rightworks

Testive - acquired by A-List Education

Tetragenetics - acquired by AbCellera

Tikatok - acquired by Barnes & Noble

Trusst - acquired by K Health

UpdateLogic - acquired by Silicon Image

V-Charge - acquired by OVO Energy

Vela Systems - acquired by AutoDesk

Vigix - acquired by Zoom

Vizibility - acquired by All State Legal

Yokel - acquired by CitySquares

ZiipRoom - acquired by Bose Corporation

Zync - acquired by eBay